Phone payments are now available by calling 866-816-3818.
You must have your account number to proceed.
Online payment portal
Web Portal
2023 City of Benton annual water quality report is available. This report contains important information about your drinking water.
2023 Water Quality Report.pdf
To request a paper copy, call City Hall at 270.527.8677.
Owner deposit | $ 50.00
Renter deposit | $150.00
Water & Sewer Tap Fees
Ordinance No. 23-09-01 water and sewer taps and adjustments.pdf
**Note – Bills begin generating when a meter is set.**
Benton Water and Sewer System expressly reserves the right to disconnect, confiscate unauthorized devices, and / or discontinue service or any other connection with or without notice where Benton Water and Sewer System discovers, finds or is otherwise made aware of any such installation that poses a threat to the supply, public health or public safety.
Supply – Benton Water and Sewer System cannot guarantee uninterrupted service and will not be responsible for any claims arising out of the failure to deliver continuous service.